Project Management Office
The Inter-Ministerial Task Team on Service Delivery is chaired by the Minister of COGTA and also consists of Ministers from the following Departments: National Treasury; Human Settlements; Energy; Water and Sanitation; Roads and Transport; Energy; Environmental Affairs; Health; Basic Education; RDLR; DPME and Sports and Recreation, as well as SALGA and DBSA. Their key focus is to monitor service delivery across South Africa, and particularly in the 57 priority municipalities where there is greatest developmental need and economic impact.
In order to undertake this work, MISA was requested to host a Programme Management Office (PMO) to coordinate this work across sectors, integrating the different sectoral programmes and identifying areas in which service delivery could be better aligned and challenges hindering delivery addressed.
PMOs are units that focus on supporting the strategic goals and objectives within organizations. In this regard, the key focus area of the PMO in service delivery is to improve the integration, alignment, coordination and monitoring of service delivery across sector departments. This fits in very well with MISA overall objectives to support municipalities with a view to achieving sustainable service delivery, including supporting the implementation of projects and building capacity.
Our intention is to work with units in MISA and COGTA as a whole, as well as sectoral departments across national and provincial government, including also the municipalities themselves, to find ways to improve service delivery. This may also include introducing new methodologies of work practice.
Our immediate goal is to develop an integrated database of existing capital projects across sectors and spheres, which we will use in monitoring and identifying challenges to service delivery. In working with these departments and municipalities we will strive to find ways to improve service delivery implementation.