Purpose: Provide strategic direction, leadership, management and effective and efficient administrative support services to the organisation.
Programme overview: The programme serves as the enabler to the key functions of the organisation. It has the following sub-programmes:
Sub-programme 1.1: Executive Support, Strategy and Systems
This sub-programme is located within the office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) with the responsibility of providing executive and administrative support to the Accounting Officer. It ensures that the organisational strategy enhances the ability of MISA to achieve its mandate and that the organisational design facilitates effective implementation of strategic objectives. In addition to the management of the Office of the CEO, the sub-programme ensures that the organisation develops and implements effective planning processes; and that the strategic plan and annual performance plans derived are aligned to the service delivery imperatives identified and also performs monitoring and evaluation function. This function includes performance oversight and implementation of measures for organisational performance improvement. The sub-programme is also responsible for providing Information Communication and Technology management services and performing the Internal Audit and Risk Management function within the organisation. Internal Audit and Risk Management units are also under the CEO’s Office. Internal Audit unit reports to the CEO on administrative matters while operating independently from management.
Sub-programme 1.2: Financial Management Services
Provides sound financial stewardship and management in the organisation, in compliance with relevant legislation, regulations and policies, This includes Supply Chain Management and Asset Management functions.
Sub-programme 1.3: Corporate Management Services
This sub-programme is responsible for ensuring that the work environment in MISA enhances motivation and productivity in the workplace. The sub-programme provides human resource management and development, facilities management, legal services, security services, as well as communication services.